Masters Of Optometry Entrance Exam Questions 2021 (2078)

Welcome everyone. As is said, "Old is Gold," We would like to present you the past questions that appeared in the Master of Optometry entrance examination taken by Medical Education Commission (MEC) in the year 2021 (2078). These questions were compiled by Ms Jenisha Bhattarai and Ms Aastha Subedi, who are the students in the third batch of Master of Optometry enrolled in Himalaya Eye Institute (HEI) Pokhara, under Pokhara University.

MEC M Optom Past Question
Left: Ms Jenisha Bhattarai;    Right: Ms Aastha Subedi

Basic science

1.      What is deducted from plasma to form serum?

a.      Thrombin

b.      Fibrinogen

c.       RBC

d.      Leucocyte

2.       Which is not a part of digestive system?

a.      Ileum

b.      Rectum

c.       Spleen

d.      Pharynx

3.      NSAISs works by_?

a.      Inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis by cyclooxygenase

b.      Increasing oxytocin level

c.       Decreasing adrenalin level

d.      Increasing arachidonic acid

4.      Which of the following regarding hepatitis is true?

a.      Increased transmission through contact

b.      Transmitted by nasal droplet

c.       Transmitted by feces

d.      Transmitted only through inoculation

5.      For a chloroplast to replicate which of the following is true?

a.      Only DNA is needed

b.      Only RNA is needed

c.       Either DNA or RNA is needed

d.      Both DNA and RNA is needed

6.      What helps in digestion of nitrogen?

a.      Zinc

b.      Copper

c.       Iron

d.      Calcium

7.      What determines the modification of disease?

a.      Age

b.      Gene

c.       Social

d.      None

8.      Which does not lie in triad of disease?

a.      Host

b.      Agent

c.       Environment

d.      Service provider

9.      What is the end product of anaerobic respiration?

a.      CO2

b.      Oxygen

c.       Lactic acid

d.      NADPH

Ocuar anatomy and physiology

10.  Which bone is not present in orbital floor?

a.      Maxillary

b.      Zygomatic

c.       Lacrimal

d.      All

11.  Which of the following is not related with medial orbital wall?

a.      Lesser wing of sphenoid

b.      Lacrimal

c.       Ethmoid

d.      Maxillary

12.  Which nerve is most likely to be affected by intracranial injury?

a.      VI

b.      IV

c.       III

d.      II

13.  Eye movement is most likely to be affected by

a.      Cerebellum lesion

b.      Mid brain lesion

c.       Pons varolli lesion

d.      Occipital lesion

14.  Vossious ring is seen in?

a.      Cornea

b.      Lens

c.       Iris

d.      Retina

15.  How many rod cells are present in retina?

a.      105

b.      1025

c.       1015

d.      1050

16.  Which collagen type is present predominantly in lens capsule?

a.      I

b.      II

c.       III

d.      IV

17.  Lens is derived from?

a.      Neuro ectoderm

b.      Mesoderm

c.       Surface ectoderm

d.      Melanocytes

Visual science

18.  VEP output is the function of pathway foem

a.      Retina to cortex

b.      Ganglion cells

c.       Bipolar cells

d.      Retina

19.  Objective method of measuring vision?

a.      Tumbling E

b.      PLT

c.       HOTV

d.      VEP

20.  Objective method of measuring vision in closed eye is?

a.      ERG

b.      VEP

c.       EOG

d.      Humphrey

21.  Which of the following is true?

a.      Midget bipolar cells synapse with magnocellular cortical pathway

b.      Diffuse bipolar cell synapse with parvocellular pathway

c.       S cone bipolar cell synapse with small bistratified cells giving rise to konio pathway

d.      None

22.  According to Kollner’s rule, R-G defect is present in all except

a.      Inner retina

b.      Outer retina

c.       Optic nerve

d.      Visual pathway

23.  Theory of primary colour doesn’t follow

a.      Scalar law

b.      Associative law

c.       Additive law

d.      Subtractive law

24.  Which has greater spatial and temporal summation?

a.      Scotopic system

b.      Photopic system

c.       Photopic and scotopic respectively

25.  Visual acuity is based on?

A.      Theory of descending limits

B.      Theory of ascending limits

C.      Constant stimuli

D.     Staircase method

26.  Which is true about lax criterion?

a.      Increased hits

b.      Increased false positive

c.       Increased misses

d.      Increased false negative

27.  Red green colour discrimination starts at

a.      2 months

b.      3 months

c.       6 months

d.      1 year

28.  A wave ERG indicate action of?

a.      Bipolar

b.      Ganglion cells

c.       Rods

d.      Amacrine cells

29.  A person having only one photopigment

a.      Cannot discriminate colour

b.      Can match intensities

c.       Can adjust color to dull and dim intensities

d.      None

30.  Which is true about frequency doubling?

a.      Tests temporal summation

b.      Tests colour vision

c.       Measures Visual field

d.      All

31.  Motion is detected by

a.      Infero temporal

b.      Parieto ventral

c.       Mid temporal

d.      Dorso lateral

32.  Which is true about fovea to striate cortex magnification?

a.      Fovea=0.1%, cortex magnification=1%

b.      Fovea=0.01%, cortex magnification=8%

c.       Fovea=0.1%, cortex magnification=8%

d.      Fovea=0.01%, cortex magnification=1%

33.  Father is normal but mother is carrier of colour vision defect, which of the following is true?

a.      All daughters are carrier

b.      50% sons are affected

c.       50% sons are carrier

d.      All daughters are normal

  1. Hierarchical processing means?

a.      Moving from complex to simple

b.      Moving from simple to complex

c.       Moving from simple to simple

d.      Moving from complex to complex

35.  Brightness amoriated law is?

a.      Talbot plateau law

b.      Bruce bartley effect

c.       Stiles Crawford effect

d.      Broca Sulzer effect

36.  Cones get oriented for maximum stimulation. This is_?

a.      Kollner’s law

b.      Rayleigh criterion

c.       Stiles Crawford effect

d.      Broca Sulzer effect


Ocular disease

37.  Thin cornea is seen in

a.      Keratoconus

b.      Keratoglobus

c.       Corneal dystrophy

d.      Bullous keratopathy

38.  Monocular diplopia is seen in

a.      Keratoconus

b.      Keratoglobus

c.       Albinism

d.      Down’s syndrome

39.  Monocular polyopia is seen in

a.      Viral keratitis

b.      Bacterial keratitis

c.       Fungal keratitis

d.      Chlamydial keratitis

40.  Which of the glaucoma is provocative

a.      Nirmal tension glaucoma

b.      High tension glaucoma

c.       POAG

d.      PACG

41.  Which feature is least likely to be present in POAG?

a.      Enlarged blind spot

b.      Arcuate field defect

c.       Seidel defect

d.      Quadrantopia

42.  A person has early glaucomatous signs. Which is likely to be true?

a.      Oval cupping

b.      Round cupping

c.       Cup: disc= 0.8:1

d.      Cup :disc = 0.6:1

43.  A person has only 10% VF remaining, VA is 6/6, which is likely to be true?

a.      Cup :disc =0.9:1

b.      Cup :disc = 0.3:1

c.        Cup :disc = 0.2:1

d.      Cup :disc = 0.6:1

44.  Glass blower cataract is caused by?

a.      UV rays

b.      IR rays

c.       High wavelength visible radiation

d.      Low  wavelength visible radiation

45.  Problem in near vision than in distance vision is caused by

a.      Cortical cataract

b.      Nuclear cataract

c.       PSCC

d.      Blue dot cataract

46.  Nuclear sclerosis causes

a.      Myopia

b.      Hyperopia

c.       Astigmatism

d.      Presbyopia

47.  Cataract surgery has greater chance of inducing

a.      WTR astigmatism

b.      ATR astigmatism

c.       Oblique astigmatism

d.      Chances of any of the above

48.  What is essential in glaucoma?

a.      Optic neuropathy

b.      Visual field defect

c.       Glaucomatous cupping

d.      Increase in IOP

49.  A patient has infero nasal thinning of cornea. He probably has?

a.      Keratoglobus

b.      Keratoconus

c.       PMD

d.      Corneal dystrophy

50.  A patient comes to your clinic complaining that he notices diplopia in all gazes and is unable to read small prints. What is the probable diagnosis?

a.      IV nerve palsy

b.      III nerve palsy

c.       VI nerve palsy

d.      VII nerve palsy

51.  A patient comes with bitemporal hemianopia. How can you prescribe prism to relieve her symptom?

a.      Base temporal

b.      Base nasal

c.       Base superior

d.      Base inferior

  1. Cataract causes _ blur?

a.      Central blur

b.       Peripheral blur

c.       Diffuse blur

Quadrantic blur

Diagnostic and investigative part of optometry

53.  A person has dense cataract such that posterior segment is not visible properly. Which of the following test would you do before cataract surgery?

a.      FFA

b.      USG

c.       Laser interferometry

d.      Coherence tomography

54.  What measures peripheral field?

a.      Humphrey field analyze

b.      Goldmann

c.       Amsler grid

d.      Tangent screen

55.  A 50 yrs old patient with VA 6/9 with -2.50Dsph has monocular diplopia and difficulty driving at night. Which of the following test would you do?

a.      Retinoscopy

b.      FFA

c.       Laser interfrometry

d.      CCT

56.  Which background letter are clearer in overcorrected hyperopia 

a.      Green

b.      Red

c.       Equally blur

d.      Equally clear

57.  Reverse illumination is used to observe?

a.      Foreign body

b.      Microcystic corneal edema

c.       Microcysts

d.      Macrocysts

58.  Guttata is observed in

a.      Specular microscopy

b.      Retroillumination

c.       Diffuse illumination

d.      Indirect illumination

59.  Which of the following is true about indirect ophthalmoscopy?

a.      Image is real and erect

b.      Image is virtual and erect

c.       Image is real and inverted

d.      Image is virtual ans inverted

60.  Which grade of Van Herick has the widest angle?

a.      Grade IV

b.      Grade III

c.       Grade II

d.      Grade 0

61.  Schirmer test I measures

a.      Total secretion

b.      Basal secretion

c.       Reflex secretion

d.      Hyperlacrimative secretion

62.  A 52 years old can now read with a little difficulty without wearing his presbyopic  glasses . What might have caused this?

a.      Cortical cataract

b.      Nuclear cataract

c.       PSCC

d.      Cuneiform cataract

63.  FFA fluorescein dye is injected in

a.      Anterior jugular vein

b.      Antecubital vein

c.       Anterior vascicular vein

d.      Ethmoidal vein

64.  Pressure in central retinal artery is measured by

a.      Tonometry

b.      Retinal tomography

c.       Ophthalmoscope

d.      Ophthalmodynamometry

65.  Contrast sensitivity is developed at

a.      3 months

b.      9 months

c.       6 months

d.      12 months

66.  With age visual acuity reduces by

a.      0.1 log units

b.      1 log units

c.       2 log units

d.      3 log units

67.  Wavefront aberration is used in

a.      Placido disc

b.      Keratometry

c.       Corneal topography

d.      Retinal tomography

68.  What measures central visual field

a.      Retinal tomography

b.      Corneal tomography

c.       Humphrey Visual Field analyzer

d.      Goldmann

69.  In FFA, cystoids macular edema shows _ appearance?

a.      Smoke stack

b.      Ink blot dye

c.       Flower petal

d.      Tomato splash

70.  A child has albinism. What would you carefully evaluate posterior segment for?

a.      Optic coloboma

b.      Optic disc hypoplasia

c.       Choroidal thinning

d.      Drusens

71.  Fransworth D15 detects?

a.      Tritan defect

b.      Protan defect

c.       Deutan defect

d.      Protan, deutan and tritan defect

72.  Which of the following is least likely to cause difficuly in morbidity

a.      Visual acuity

b.      Visual field

c.       Color vision

d.      Contrast sensitivity

73.  Aphakia shows _ purkinje image?

a.      I

b.      II

c.       III

d.      IV

74.  To a patient with Alzheimer’s disease which method is suitable?

a.      HOTV test

b.      LogMAR test

c.       E chart

d.      Snellen’s chart

75.  A patient complains that he misses the beginning of every line while reading. Which of the following would yoy do for diagnosis?

a.      Goldmann visual field

b.      Humphrey field

c.       Amsler grid

d.      Tangent screen test

76.  Fleinbloom test consists of

a.      Numbers

b.      Letters

c.       Pictures

d.      All of the above

77.  Sunset syndrome is caused by?

a.      Inferiorly subluxated lens

b.      Superiorly subluxated lens

c.        Inferiorly dislocated lens

d.      Superiorly dislocated lens

78.  What is the actual IOP in thin cornea?

a.      Greater than shown by tonometer

b.      Less than that shown by tonometr

c.       Equal to that shown by tonometer

d.      2/3rd of that shown by tonometer

79.  MN reader measures?

a.      Persuits

b.      Saccades

c.       Reading fluency

d.      Visual acuity

80.  LASIK surgery uses

a.      ND YAG laser

b.      Argon Laser

c.       Excimer laser

d.      Red laser

Ophthalmic dispensing and low vision

81.  What is the magnification of a magnifier of 12D used at 40cm?

a.      3.6

b.      4.8

c.       5.2

d.      1.4

82.  What is the equivalent power of magnifier (20D) used with bifocal of 3D at a distance of 10cm?

a.      15

b.      16

c.       17

d.      18

83.  If a patient can read N8 at 25cm and wants to read a novel at font N8, then what is the magnification of magnifier required?

a.      1.5x

b.      2.5x

c.       3.5x

d.      3x

84.  In a PAL lens . distance power is -1.00/-3.00x90,intermediate power is +0.5/-3.00x90 and near power is +1.5/-3.00x90. What is the percentage of intermediate power?

a.      50%

b.      60%

c.       77%

d.      80%

85.  What is the prismatic effect induced in an ultex lens whose segment top is 5mm below distance optical center?

a.      14mm

b.      36mm

c.       28mm

d.      18mm

86.  Which of the following is non optical?

a.      Sugar

b.      Water

c.       Tartaric acid

d.      Silicon oil

87.  In which type of frame shape does datum’s system deviate more from Boxing system?

a.      Round

b.      Square

c.       Aviator

d.      Cat eye

88.  Which face shape is considered worst for glasses?

a.      Round

b.      Square

c.       Base up triangle

d.      Base down triangle

89.  Boxing system denoting 4020 in a frame whwre IPD is 62. What is the decentration required for lens?

a.      2mm

b.      3mm

c.       1mm

d.      4mm

90.  Compensated vertical prismatic effect is least in?

a.      Executive segment

b.      Ribbon segment

c.       Ultex segment

d.      Kryptok segment

91.  Segment height doesn’t depend on

a.      Posture

b.      Add

c.       Style

d.      Height of person

92.  Which lens do we use in casual wear?

a.      Casual lens

b.      Perfect lens

c.       Tinted lens

d.      Standard lens

93.    What kind of glasses should not be worn in high myopia?

a.      Round frame

b.      Square off

c.       Small size frame

d.      High index glasses

94.  Which type of frame is inappropriate for pediatric patients?

a.      Wide front

b.      Large splay angle

c.       Flatter pantoscopic tilt

d.      Larger frontal angle

95.  Increase in peripheral astigmatism in PAL depends upon mainly?

a.      Add power

b.      Shape of frame

c.       Vertex distance

d.      Splay angle

96.  Roving ring scotoma is present in?

a.      Minus lens

b.      Astigmatic lens

c.       Aphakic lens

d.      Presbyopic lens

97.  Locus of points in a wave which are in same phase is called?

a.      Wave amplitude

b.      Wave front

c.       Wave circle

d.      Wave circumference

98.  What is the prismatic effect of a prism at a point perpendicular to the direction of BO?

a.      ¼

b.      ½

c.       0

d.      1

99.  Anterior focal length of a reduced eye in air is_?

a.      20 mm

b.      23.4 mm

c.       17 mm

d.      18 mm

100.                      What happens when a myopic patient uses Galilean telescope to clear the image?

a.      Power of objective lens increases and tube length increases

b.      Power of objective lens decreases and tube length decreases

c.       Power of objective lens increases and tube length decreases

d.      Power of objective lens decreases and tube length increases

101.                      Photochromatic lens is good in?

a.      Buphthalmos

b.      Corneal vascularization

c.       Corneal dystrophy

d.      Band shaped keratopathy

102.                      False about ocular albinism is?

a.      Albinism is constant

b.      Patient may have high astigmatism

c.       Patient may have foveal hypoplasia

d.      Females suffer more than the males

103.                      Which is the viewing distance of CCTV print?

a.      40 cm

b.      33 cm

c.       5 cm

d.      25 cm

104.                      Telescope cannot be used for?

a.      Tracking

b.      Walking

c.       Scanning

d.      Spotting

105.                      Spotting by telescope means?

a.      Focusing and finding object

b.      Synchronizing head movement with object

c.       Viewing the adjacent zones of fixated object

d.      Quick viewing of objects from center to extreme periphery

106.                      Reverse telescope is used in advanced cases of?

a.      ARMD

b.      ROP

c.       RP

d.      Retinal detachment

107.                      N8 subtends_?

a.      5 min of arc at 1 m

b.      5 min of arc at 2 m

c.       5 min of arc at 40 cm

d.      5 min of arc at 33 cm

108.                      Most commonly used lens predominantly for near is?

a.      E segment

b.      D segment

c.       Ultex segment

d.      Trifocal lens

109.                      Which lens is best for monochromatic aberrations?

a.      Aplanatic

b.      Aspheric

c.       Achromatic

d.      Tinted

110.                      Color seen in thin films is due to?

a.      Polarization

b.      Interference

c.       Diffraction

d.      Dispersion

111.                      Longitudinal wave doesn’t suffer?

a.      Polarization

b.      Interference

c.       Diffraction

d.      Dispersion

112.                      Light wave on travelling to another medium does not change in?

a.      Frequency

b.      Wavelength

c.       Velocity

d.      Color

113.                      Diffraction is easier at?

a.      Round edge

b.      Flat edge

c.       Half round

d.      Half flat

114.                      Which ophthalmic lens tint is used for neurological problems?

a.      Purple

b.      Brown

c.       Amber

d.      Pink


Contact lens and ocular prosthesis


115.                      Which contact lens is best for pediatric patient?

a.      Silsoft lens

b.      RGP lens

c.       Soft lens

d.      Scleral lens

116.                      Which of the following condition results in  maximum tight fitting of contact lens?

a.      Increase in TD and increase in BOZR

b.      Increase in TD and decrease in BOZR

c.       Decrease in TD and increase in BOZR

d.      Decrease in TD and decrease in BOZR

117.                      What percentage of hypoxia results in corneal folds?

a.      5%

b.      8%

c.       10%

d.      15%

118.                      How can we decrease 3 and 9 o’clock staining?

a.      Increase TD

b.      Decrease TD

c.       Increase BOZR

d.      Decrease BOZR

119.                      Which of the following disinfection system may result in deposits in contact lens?

a.      Thermal disinfection

b.      Chemical disinfection

c.       H2O2  disinfection

d.      Alcohol disinfection

120.                      What percentage of O2 is required to prevent corneal edema?

a.      1%

b.      5%

c.       3%

d.      4%

121.                      Tinted contact lens with clear pupillary area is recommended in ?

a.      Central corneal scar

b.      Mid peripheral corneal scar

c.       Amblyopia occlusion

d.      Corneal dystrophy

122.                      In DYMED what is used?

a.      Byguanides

b.      Isopropyl alcohol

c.       Benzyl alcohol

d.      PHMB

123.                      The following condition arises when a hypermetropic patient switches from spectacles to contact lens?

a.      More convergence, more accommodation

b.      Less convergence, less accommodation

c.       More convergence, less accommodation

d.      Less convergence, more accommodation

124.                      Soft lens is damaged most by?

a.      Heat

b.      Chemical

c.       Water

d.      Sugar

125.                      What kind of deposits are more common in silicone hydrogel?

a.      Lipid

b.      Protein

c.       Fatty acid

d.      Carbohydrate

126.                      In a toric contact lens lens rotated in right eye. What is likely to be contact lens power when he wore spectacles of -6.50/-4.00*170?

a.      -6.50/-3.50*180

b.      -6.50/-4.00*170

c.       -6.00/-4.00*180

d.      -6.00/-4.00*170

127.                      On applying a RGP contact lens, vertical meridian shows more fluorescein and horizontal meridian shows little fluorescein. What might be the case?

a.      Flat RGP fitted at WTR

b.      Flat RGP fitted at ATR

c.       Steep RGP fitted at WTR

d.      Steep RGP fitted at ATR

128.                      In which case does fitting remain same?

a.      Increase TD, decrease BOZR

b.      Increase TD, increase BOZR

c.       Decrease TD, decrease BOZR

d.      Decrease TD, increase BOZR

129.                      While wearing RGP lens, vision cleared immediately after blink. What might be the case?

a.      Tight fit

b.      Inadequate fit

c.       Flat fit

d.      Optimum fit

130.                      A RGP lens worn displaced superotemporally. What is the remedy?

a.      Same TD, flatter BOZR

b.      Increase TD, same BOZR

c.       Increase TD, increase BOZR

d.      Decrease TD, decrease BOZR

131.                      Which of the following is least useful for low vision?

a.      Spectacles

b.      Contact lens

c.       Typoscope

d.      Cane

132.                      A patient has ametropic and emmetropic image size ratio =1:1 on wearing contact lens. He has?

a.      Axial myopia

b.      Axial hyperopia

c.       Curvatural myopia

d.      Astigmatism

133.                      A patient wearing contact lens complains of discomfort, decreased lens wearing time, blurring of vision, conjunctival hyperemia. What might be the case?

a.      Endothelial blebs

b.      Peripheral keratitis

c.       Infiltration

d.      Corneal exhaustion syndrome

134.                      What is best suited for curvatural myopia?

a.      Spectacles

b.      Contact lens

c.       Any of them

d.      None, only surgery


Pediatric Optometry and Binocular vision


135.                      A patient of 6 cm IPD has 7 prism exophoria at far, 12 prism exophoria at near at a working distance of 40 cm. What is AC/A ratio?

a.      3.33:1

b.      5:1

c.       8:1

d.      2:1

136.                      A patient has out and down sudden deviated eye with ptosis. What might be the case?

a.      IV nerve palsy

b.      VI nerve palsy

c.       III nerve palsy

d.      VII nerve palsy

137.                      Double Maddox rod is useful in?

a.      Hyperphoria

b.      Hypotropia

c.       Cyclodeviation

d.      Exophoria

138.                      Orientation of Bagolini glasses stripes is at?

a.      90 degree and 180 degree

b.      70 degree and 160 degree

c.       45 degree and 135 degree

d.      60 degree and 150 degree

139.                      Hess chart gives idea about?

a.      State of retinal correspondence

b.      Suppression

c.       State of diplopia

d.      Ocular deviation

140.                      Large separation of image creates?

a.      Diplopia

b.      Retinal rivalry

c.       Confusion

d.      Suppression

141.                      Active vision therapy is?

a.      Pleoptics

b.      Occlusion

c.       Penalization

d.      Pharmacological therapy

142.                      A patient has exotropia but fusion. What might be the case?

a.      NRC

b.      ARC

c.       Suppression

d.      Microtropia

143.                      Vectograph is related to testing of?

a.      Diplopia

b.      Suppression

c.       ARC

d.      Microtropia

144.                      What happens when an esotropia patient is prescribed in minus lens?

a.      Deviation increases

b.      Deviation decreases

c.       May increase or decrease depending upon deviation magnitude

d.      Remains constant

145.                      Pilocarpine is most useful in?

a.      Divergent deviation

b.      Paralytic deviation

c.       Incomitant deviation

d.      Restrictive deviation

146.                      Forced duction test is used in?

a.      Comitant deviation

b.      Incomitant deviation

c.       Restrictive deviation

d.      Paralytic deviation

147.                      A patient has 10 prism exophoria at distance and 25 prism exophoria at near. What might be the case?

a.      Convergence excess

b.      Convergence insufficiency

c.       Divergence excess

d.      Divergence insufficiency

148.                      Exotropia is 5 prism BI at downgaze and 12 prism BI at upgaze. What is your diagnosis?

a.      A pattern

b.      V pattern

c.       γ pattern

d.      lambda pattern

149.                      Yoke muscle of RSO is?

a.      LSR

b.      LSO

c.       LIO

d.      LIR

150.                      Pediatric contrast sensitivity is tested by?

a.      Feinbloom test

b.      Log MAR chart

c.       Pelli Robson chart

d.      Hiding Heidi

151.                      Senile miosis is due to?

a.      Dilator atrophy

b.      Sphincter atrophy

c.       Atrophy of iris vessels

d.      Both a & c


Community, Research and ethics


152.                      What is the order of community health diagnosis?

a.      Goal, objective, action, workplan

b.      Goal, objective, workplan, action

c.       Action, objective, goal, workplan

d.      Objective, goal, workplan, action

153.                      What should not be done in CHD?

a.      Finding out needs

b.      Work implementation

c.       Ordering

d.      Rapport building

154.                      By 2021, what was the aimed decrease of prevalence of cataract?

a.      5%

b.      10%

c.       20%

d.      25%

155.                      SHAPU is repeatedly shown in your clinic. Pt. are from the same community. What would be your 1st step to decrease the patients?

a.      Awareness of SHAPU

b.      Screening patients of SHAPU

c.       Educating about child blindness

d.      Prescribing steroids to vulnerable groups

156.                      What would be the role of public health optometrist?

a.      Train other health personnel

b.      Relate public health with eye and work for it

c.       Screen eye diseases and refer to physician

d.      Make public health eye related laws

157.                      There are increasing number of NHPC licensed optometrists day by day. It indicates_?

a.      Policy

b.      Need to service ratio

c.       Service providers

d.      Quality of life

158.                      Community health diagnosis doesn’t involve?

a.      Documentation of data

b.      Screening problems

c.       Establishing a hospital

d.      Giving knowledge to community

159.                      Awareness program is_ intervention?

a.      Primordial

b.      Primary

c.       Secondary

d.      Tertiary

160.                      Prevalence study is?

a.      Cohort

b.      Cross-sectional

c.       Case-control

d.      Snowball

161.                      Which study establish cause and effect?

a.      Cohort

b.      Cross-sectional

c.       Case-control

d.      Snowball

162.                      Positive indication of prevalence of cataract is shown by?

a.      Rate of cataract surgery

b.      Blindness due to cataract

c.       Eye care delivery

d.      Screening of cataract

163.                      A PHC is delivering eye health service. What would you do to implement your vision if you are appointed in authority level?

a.      Observation

b.      Survey

c.       Documentation

d.      Screening


164.                      Grading of diabetic retinopathy into mild, moderate and severe is?

a.      Ordinal

b.      Nominal

c.       Interval

d.      Ratio


165.                      Which of the following test is parametric?

a.      Mann Whitney test

b.      Kruskal Wallis test

c.       T test

d.      Rank sum test

166.                      If e=+1, then which of the following is true?

a.      Prolate ellipse

b.      Oblate ellipse

c.       Hyperbola

d.      Parabola

167.                      How can we identify health problem of a community in a most appropriate way?

a.      Rapid appraisal

b.      FGD

c.       Interview

d.      Survey

168.                      How can we ascertain the complain of community people with their real need?

a.      Survey

b.      Observation

c.       Interview

d.      FGD









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Unknown said…
sir, please provides us the answers of 2021