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Allied eye health professionals in eye care services in Nepal
Comm Eye Health South Asia Vol. 33 No. 110 2020 pp 09 - 10. Published online 25 February 2021.
The Himalayan Times
1. Artificial eye: Boon for those with no eyeball (March 5, 2020)
- Eye Health and Misconceptions: Change is possible but slow (Jan 10, 2017), Opinion
- Working abroad: contemporary mindset (August 24, 2016), Opinion
- The PM, his eyes and me (February 11, 2016), Topics
- A pani-puri crush (May 24, 2016), Topics
- Citizen of a fairytale country (April 12, 2016), Topics
- Do you do drugs, dude? (May 1, 2017), Topics
- Conference as Credits, (january 6, 2020), Topics
- Comanagement in Healthcare, (October 2, 2020),
- Writing is fun (July 10, 2018)
- Good Old Times (March 24, 2020)
The Kathmandu Post
Eye of the beholder (March 25, 2016), Opinion
1. Are we prepared? (March 4, 2020), Opinion
Physician's Assistant Life Magazine
A search for clarity in the Valley
Tsum Valley Medical Mission Website
Clarity in the Valley
Setopati English
- A search for Clarity in the Valley, co-authorship with Maria Ontiveros. (Blog, July 3, 2016)
- An eerie Tale of single, unmarried guy of 30 (Blog, Feb 14, 2016)
Annapurna Post English (Annapurna Express)
Dear Americans, your guns are scarier than our poverty (Jan 3, 2017), Opinion
Kantipur Media Group
5. Kantipur Kopila: d]/f] Kof/f] ;'/L, dª\;L/ !@, @)&# -afnsyf_
More than eighty articles are published in Saptahik. Click here to see some of the collections.
More than eighty articles are published in Saptahik. Click here to see some of the collections.
Nepal Samachar Patra
1. Plgdn kmfd{ pkGof; / g]kfnv]t -larf/_
Naya Patrika
Setopati Nepali
Setopati Global
Setopati Kinmel
3. rZdfsf] :ofxf/ ug]{ b; t/Lsf ->fj0f !&, @)&#_
4. Co-management in health practice: Today’s need (11th August, 2016)
5. Df]ltlaGb'af/] hfGg} kg]{ s]lx s'/f -c;f/ ^, @)&#_
6. ljls/0faf6 cfFvfnfO{ lsg / s;/L hf]ufpg]< -efb| @&, @)&#_
7. Tof] s'O/] lsg /f]of]< - c;f]h !#, @)&#_
Ujyalo Online