Three Reasons for the NEPSE Boom : 2024

Rabindra Adhikary

Share market of Nepal was suffering an abysmal fate for almost 3 years. Enter the month of Shrawan—the month of green, there is green all over in the Nepse charts.  Yes, when we look outside, this month is replete with green landscapes with the lush of paddy and corn and jungle greens. Coincidentally, Nepali Hindu women are also all clad in green clothes in order to showcase their devotion to the lord Shiva. From the second day of Shrawan, Nepali stock market as well is clinching its height declaring a sign of ‘bull.’ One can debate that this uptrend of Nepse Index is simply the ripple effect of the market overseas—as we saw record-breaking indices over a year from America, Europe, Japan or India, but the local factors have an enormous role in the making. Here are seemingly three strong reasons the share market has shown an optimistic jump from the long-time bearish sentiment.

1.     The Bishnu Poudel Effect

Here we are constrained to coin a new term called the Bishnu Poudel Effect in the Nepali stock economy because, history has it that, whenever Bishnu Poudel comes in the incumbency of a finance minister, there is an aggressive bull jumping off. Not only are his overtones positive for the market, he is quite into actions for the betterment of it. This previous knowledge of investors and traders made them confident in funneling more money into the market starting from the day 2 of his appointment as a finance minister. 

2.     Political clout of old parties

Now we are witnessing old players in power: CPN UML and Nepali Congress. They have made quite a history right after the 2046 revolution when multi-party democracy was announced. From the bureaucracy to businessmen, they have strong grounds to be entrusted with, which are, in fact, acquired cumulatively for over 35 years. Many of them are the background operatives of these parties which are also involved in share market investment and trading. This trust has been translated to the market. To the outsiders, this skyrocketing has played an impetus to stock investment, and furthermore, there are ample reasons to believe that the coalition of two major parties will bring long-sought political consistency that will eventually buttress the economic boom. This has also served for the massive turnovers up to 15 billion in a day.   

3.     The Mahaprasad’s Monetary Policy

While Mahaprasad Adhikari, the governor of Nepal Rastra Bank, has been constantly chastised for employing stringent policy to strangle the share market, with the KP Oli assumption in the premiership, the duo’s widely known relationship has bestowed a uniquely optimistic charm in the face of share-market stakeholders. Yes, ‘MP Adhikari’ has singular ties with CPN-UML and KP Oli which will definitely be useful in making the Oli government successful and one of the indicators to make it so will be seen when the share market is flourishing. On top of it, the same MP Adhikari’s tenure is going to expire in coming months and he has something to prove that he was not in all the way to enervate the stock market. All things are on the upside, because monetary policy is coming and it is very well serving the interests of people involved in share-market, real-estate and the industries.  

No doubt that the low interest rate offered by the bank and financial institutions also has provoked Nepali citizens to divert their money to share market wanting a better return. 

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